Indian Government promotes UEE plan for girl

Government of India has launched the Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) plan for which Distance Education Programme is a national resource and major support for distance learning programme.< ?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Indian Government is promoting girls education at elementary level by using ICT potential. The government is using ICT to reach out a large target and made significant progress in sharing through and interactive media, audio, video, media, advocacy and promotional learning materials teleconference audio-video conferencing multi media computer enabled education, database informative etc. to achieve the objectives of UEE. In order to promote girls education as a community agenda and point of action, government is using ICT implementation through multimedia package. The use of ICT could meet the challenges faced by different sectors of education. The technology can provide an integrated approach of multi-dimension media and its use in different areas of Elementary Education.

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