Intel announced introduction of its World Ahead Programme aiming at providing information and communication technology (ICT) education and its access to the general population in Bangladesh.
The programme will be implemented jointly with Grameen Solution in collaboration with the government. To attain the impacts, the Intel programme aims at improving four basic foundations ensuring access to information and communication technology (ICT), Internet connectivity, development of the content of local education, and training teachers in using the technology in educating children.
Intel has committed to donate about 1,000 computers to schools over the next three years. Intel will work with the government to implement the programme and will donate enough personal computers (PCs) next year to set up a PC lab in all 64 districts of the country.
Barrett and Grameen Solution's founder Prof Muhammad Yunus have been running education programmes in developing countries for a few decades, and in the last decade they have spent 1 billion US dollars. “We believe Intel will continue this programmes for decades,” Barrett said. They will offer low cost PCs on easy monthly installment, and will launch a project to set up telecentres across the country. Intel and Grameen have planned to make the Intel powered Classmate PCs available for students.