The Czech company Ceska Hlava, in collaboration with the Czech Senate and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, has launched a competition for secondary school students. Entitled 'Innovating Minds – Czech Awards for Young Europeans', the natural sciences and technology competition is open to all European students up to 19 years of age.
The prize will be awarded in five categories: information and communication technology (ICT), health and quality of life, environment, product and technology innovations and design and architecture. Applicants must submit their project synopsis online, including an independent expert's review provided, for instance, by a science teacher. The applications for the Innovating Minds Award 2008 have to be submitted before 10 September. The award ceremony will then be held in October 2008 in Prague.
An international jury will select the winners in each category, who will each be awarded
Czech government and industry launch science award for school students
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