The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) today approved the proposal for reckoning the period of Centrally Sponsored Plan Scheme, 'Upgradation of 100 ITIs into Centres of Excellence' with effect from 2005-06 to 2009-10 on the same terms and conditions without any change in the cost and scope. The total cost of the scheme of upgradation of 100 ITIs into Centres of Excellence is INR 160 crore (on cost sharing basis of 75:25 between Centre and State Governments). 22 States (except for North Eastern States, J&K, Sikkim and 4 UTs – Lakshadweep, A&N Islands, Daman & Diu, D&N Haveli) are covered under the scheme. The proposal will enable completion of residual activities of the scheme by 2009-10.
It aims at empowerment of ITIs, greater flexibility, better linkages with the world of work and conducting training programmes in the emerging areas. The scheme was approved for implementation during March, 2005. However, actual implementation was started from the Financial Year 2005-06. The ITIs were identified in consultation with the State Governments. The new multi-skilling courses for the sectors selected by States were developed in consultation with the stakeholders during 2005-06 and the first batch of ITIs started training programme from the academic session of August, 2005. Presently, all the ITIs are organizing training in the multiskilling courses in the identified sectors. An amount of INR 103.68 crore has been released to the States. Balance amount of Rs.16.32 crore is proposed to be released during the current financial Year 2009-10 which will complete the process of upgradation of 100 ITIs in different States.