Sadakkathullah Appa College, an autonomous institution at Palayamkottai received a replacing ‘A’ grade for the ‘B+’ grade earlier, from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
The grade that has been receive was on December 31 granted after visit made to the college by Executive Committee, comprising of K.K. Deka, Vice-Chancellor of Dibrugarh University, Assam and Chairperson of the team, Bhagyashri A.
Shanbhag of Karnataka University, Dharwad and S.T. Gadade, Principal, Changu Kana ThakurCollege, New Panvel, Maharashtra, on last October 26 and 27. The grade will be valid for five years, i.e., till December 31, 2014.
Only two colleges – Sadakkathullah Appa College, Palayamkottai and G.R.D. College, Coimbatore, out of six have been re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade. Nihamathullah, Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the college mentioned that the college was marked on certain criterion including curricular aspects, teaching, learning and evaluation methods, research, consultancy & extension, etc.