Left to right: Anand Sudarshan, Dr. V S Ramamurthy, Sam Pitroda, Shri Kapil Sibal, Dr. Martha Kanter and Prof. V N Rajasekharan Pillai at the inauguration of EDGE 2010
EDGE 2010 was a conference that was spread over a period of three days (3-5th March 2010), at Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi, with agenda that was to address the 'Emerging Directions in Global Education'. The first day witnessed registration for workshops and inaugration of the conference and two workshops.
The First Day
Workshop I: “Lessons Learned: Issues to Consider in Building a National Admissions Test” by The College Board, USA. The panelists for the workshop consisted of Janine M. Farhat, Senior International Specialist, The College Board, who also chaired the session; James Montoya, Vice President, Higher Education Relationship Development, The College Board; Dr. C. Peter Magrath, Senior Presidential Advisor, The College Board; Dr. Andrew Wiley, Executive Director for Higher Education, The College Board; and Madan Padaki, Co-Founder 7 CEO, MeritTrac Services.
Workshop II: Education Governance
The panelists coinsisted of Prof. N. Ravichandran, Director IIM Indore; Prof. Rachel Davis, Adjunct Professor, National University of Singapore; Prof. Krishna K. Ladha, Professor, IIM Kozhikode; Prof. C.V. Baxi, Former Director, MDI Gurgaon; Sharat Kumar, Former Director, IMT Ghaziabad; Dr. Pallab Bandyopadhyay, Vice President