It is a matter of prestige to get accreditation from National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), for educational institutions in the state. Colleges affiliated to various universities are going all out to ensure that they get the NAAC accreditation. The number of colleges from the state that have been denied the NAAC accreditation is less, seven in number. Statistics available with NAAC reveal that only seven institutions from the state have been denied accreditation.
According to officials from the department of higher education, many colleges considered NAAC accreditation a prestigious issue and are going for it voluntarily. The NAAC conducts a recommendation committee meeting of the Institutional Eligibility for Quality Assessment (CRIEQA) once in three months. At that meeting, CRIEQA recommends institutes on a regional basis. Initially the NAAC committees visited the colleges which sought accreditation. However, NAAC introduced CRIEQA, under which interested colleges will apply and the committee will conduct screening test and recommend the eligible institutions for accreditation.