As part of its corporate social responsibility efforts, Intel Corporation has decided to launch a pilot electronic health (e-Health) programme in Nigeria's Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to address some of the challenges that the nation is facing in healthcare. In early 2009, the Nigerian Federal Capital Territory Millennium Development Goals Unit (FCTMDGU) health officials and Intel Corporation began discussing ways that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) could be used to improve health and healthcare delivery in rural areas. According to the Business Development Manager, Intel Nigeria, Mr. David Ibhawoh, the company observed that a large percentage of the people in the country do not have access to health and also where there were any they lacked the specialist, especially dermatologists. Intel– the world's largest semiconductor company, with 80 per cent of the world's market for microprocessors, the brains of personal computers, he said, decided to take healthcare to the communities through mobile health (mHealth) and telemedicine which eventually gave birth to the Mailafiya Health Programme. He said there were consultations with the chiefs so as to allay their fears and design an intervention programme that is most suitable for them.