Emphasising on education, skills and theand the development of more pilot programs, including open and distance learning courses, Australian Computer Society (ACS) has focused on strengthening the Federal Government's release of its Digital Economy strategy. ACS president, Anthony Wong, said the ICT sector is responsible for significant ongoing investment and accounts for almost 5 per cent of Australia's GDP. “An ICT blueprint is vital to ensure investment in this critical infrastructure meets desired outcomes and that the broadband pipe is leveraged to deliver e-services and develop a competitive e-economy,” he said. The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, announced the government will set aside $96.2 million over the next four years to boost Australia's digital economy. Key to the strategy is the development of eight goals, underpinned by the National Broadband Network (NBN). “Participating in a digital economy is not just about having a website,” Wong said. “It is about the quantity and quality of e-commerce and online transactions. “We need more Australians to get active online. Education and skills are key to ensuring that people can participate and leverage the digital economy opportunities.” The ACS wants more development of pilot programs for education such as the EduONE