Bharath University has tied up with select foreign universities and institutes to offer a global perspective on various fields to the students. Lecturers and experts from various foreign universities will be invited to the campus to offer training and orientation programs to students. This includes seminars, workshops and conferences on the core subject areas while also offering skill development, personality development and training to the students.
As a part of this initiative, five guest lecturers have been invited to deliver lectures on their area of specialization. They will host conferences and workshops that have been organized to share new ideas, discuss & debate on the latest developments in their diverse innovative fields. The faculty will also be trained on international teaching practices and curriculum to enhance the teaching procedure. Commenting on this, J Lakshmi Narayanan, Chancellor-Bharath University said, “We have begun the new initiative of inviting visiting faculties from foreign universities to give a holistic education. The faculties will be selected based on the academic experience and their interest in the particular field of study. Some students have expressed their interest to pursue their higher degree programme under the guidance of our visiting faculties. We are confident that this new initiative will help students enhance their knowledge. “
Dr Shaban Buza, Visiting Professor will be helping Bharath University in setting up the next level Robotics research Lab, in addition to teaching core subjects and guiding PhD student. Dr Buza will also be inviting select students of Bharath University to theUniversity of Prishtina, for training & participation in the designing of the next generation robot, a project funded by the European Union. Dr Miguel Calvo Melero, University of the Basque Country – Spain, will be providing technical assistance to Bharath University in setting up the GIS R&D center, where manifold softwares' are used. He is training Bharath University students on GIS & Spatial Data Analysis, a field where job opportunities are plenty.
Dr. Gabriela Teodorescu, Prof. and Head, Environmental Engineering, VALAHIA University of Targoviste, Romania will be helping Bharath University in setting up a R&D Center in Environmental Engineering, in addition to teaching core subjects and guiding students' Projects.
Dr Pierre X.Camps, Founder / CEO, Global Market Consulting, Paris will be designing specific programs at the MBA level for Bharath University.
Dr Nancy Scannell, Associate Professor of finance, University of Illinois, Springfield had visited Bharath University to organize workshop and seminars. She will be guiding the students for Ph.D degree programs. Speaking on the occasion, Dr K P Thooyamani, Vice-Chancellor, Bharath University, said “Through our International Division headed by Dr M Sridhar, we are associating with a lot of corporate and foreign universities to expose students to the international standards and practices in teaching, learning and result oriented research. We have lined up a series of such visits by international experts and professors to engage students throughout the training programme.”
Dr Rajani S M Head-R&D, Bharath University, said “It was interesting to see foreign professors recognize the talents of our students in their subject knowledge and research. We are expecting a few scholarships in this regard. Also a joint R&D center is on the cards.”
Also, all the visiting faculties will be assisting in the designing of the curriculum in environmental engineering, GIS engineering and Robotics for twinning programme & Semester Abroad Programme.