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Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) were adopted by the School in 2009-10. Currently, 31 classrooms have deployed IWBs. In an interaction with the School Principal, Sujatha Mohandas, we find out the impact of IWBs on teaching and learning at the School
What is the impact of IWBs on teaching learning process? Has it helped in increasing student engagement? The last decade has seen a rapid shift to a highly networked, information technology driven world. This transformation makes it important for schools to teach students in ways which are interesting, interactive and realistic. That is where Interactive Whiteboards play a very important role. We adopted DigiClass, an interactive classroom solution by Pearson which comprises an IWB and syllabi compliant content. We have noticed a significant difference in student retention and concept understanding due to use of the technology. It has helped us move towards a more student-centered learning approach and bring in cognitive learning to replace the chalk and black board model. Do students enjoy lessons using Interactive Whiteboards? Students definitely enjoy their lessons more since we introduced the Interactive Whiteboards. The new IWB approach relies heavily on cognitive learning, which operates on the simple theory, ie. “what children see they retain better”. Our teachers can now convert entire text books into interesting formats and activities even for complex subjects like Maths, Physics, Biology, and Grammar making them easier to understand and retain. What subjects are widely taught using Interactive Whiteboards? Subjects like Math, Physics, Biology, Geography and even English are widely taught using Interactive Whiteboards. Using an IWB, a lesson on Paris is no longer limited to plain facts, children can actually go on a virtual journey to Paris and see its famous monuments for a real-world experience. Similarly a Biology lesson on the human heart actually includes an interactive video showing how the heart functions. Can you specify the name of the company where Whiteboards are deployed at your institute? We have deployed Pearson’s DigiClass ICT solution in our institute. What are the related response systems that have been adopted at your school? The ICT solution, DigiClass that we have deployed in our schools comprises of DigitALly, a patented teaching software which makes DigiClass a unique and effective solution. Teachers can customise their classroom lessons, add/edit content, create question papers, share content with other teachers and also add/edit new subjects and chapters. This ready-to-use teaching tool is flexible, open to customisation and offers two modes of operation: Teacher In Class (TIC) and Prepare For Class (PFC). The digital content has been developed by Edurite using subject matter experts and instructional designers. It has nearly 500 animations, 1800 2D/3D images, 1200 PowerPoint presentations with 7500+ slides, 3200 multiple choice questions and other learning objects.