Science and Technology Department of Rajasthan has taken an initiative to offer free tutorial classes on subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Math for engineering exams using latest technology.
In a first of its kind initiative, the department in association with ISRO has set up a SATCOM Studio in Jaipur, in which the faculty and teachers give coaching, which is then transmitted to the state districts and Panchayat Samitis.
Minister for Science and Engineering, Raj Kumar Sharma says, “This initiative was taken after an announcement made by the Chief Minister in the state budget. And the department has made all round efforts to ensure that the benefits of this programme percolate to the lowest levels. The initiative has been undertaken keeping the economically weaker children in mind, who are not able to afford the expensive private tuition centres, though we have not restricted admission among the students. Anybody who thinks can benefit from the video conference tutorials is more than welcome to join the programme.”
The model has been conceived with an aim to fulfill the coaching needs of the students that come from rural and far flung areas of the state, where private coaching and assistance is rare. For this the network has been linked to all the 32 districts and 237 Panchayat Samitis of the state.
Through 12 ROT’s (Receive Only Terminal) installed at the Panchayat Samitis and 44 SIT’s (Satellite Interactive Terminal) installed at the Districts under the supervision of the Block Development Officers and the Education Nodal Officer. Students come to these centres and participate in live interactions with the faculty/teacher, and can also get their queries attended to, in real time.
“Their queries are addressed and problematic topics are taken up by the faculty again if necessary,” says Dr Meghendra Sharma, research officer at the Remote Sensing Application Centre, SATCOM, Jaipur. “The hard copies along with readily available soft copies are also being provided to the students, where the matter is completely in Hindi. The response from the students too has been good. The well researched study material touches upon all topics. Almost 48 questions from the study material have come in the PET paper, which is testimony to the quality of the material,” adds Meghendra. In time to come, the department plans to include medical coaching which will include subjects like Zoology and Botany and these would be explained more vividly through animation and graphics.
There is also a counseling session by the lecturers where the doubts of the students are addressed and solutions given after the classes are over. The students can also call and arrange a time with the concerned faculty for their sessions. With an average of 30-40 students in each district, the campaign has been well received among students from across the state. Rajasthan is the only state after Andhra Pradesh to have implemented such a programme. With the success of engineering coaching, the department now also plans to lend the technologically advanced medium of coaching to students taking the Medical entrance examinations as well.
“The teachers and educationists are a panel of experts that have been recruited from various top colleges and Universities of Rajasthan. With the required experience in their respective disciplines and remuneration being provided by the Government, the faculty puts in their best in teaching the students,” says Dr Meghendra.