Cloud Computing in School
Implementing Agency
R N Podar School
R N Podar School has successfully implemented Cloud Computing in both administrative as well as academic areas. They use free online resources (Google Apps in Education) and Social Media (Facebook) very effectively and efficiently. They used cloud-based solutions information available through any browser, on an anytime, anywhere basis. With education system becoming more decentralised. Accountability has become a central issue in administration of schools. The online system leads to creation of transparent education culture.
• Effective intraschool and inter-school communication and collaboration
• Efficient and effective use of resources
• Real-time collaboration
• Efficient school processes and greater productivity
Target Group: Management, staff, students, parents, school board
Challenges: Initially we faced challenges related to infrastructure. The Internet connectivity was poor. Ultimately the Internet connectivity was improved by making school WiFi enabled. As the staff did not have adequate technological skills, we had to organise workshops and tutorials. Change was brought about to the traditional mindsets through motivational sessions. We also organised camps for orientation of parents. Eventually the parents came on board.
Seeing is Believing
Implementing Agency
Maheshwari Public School
This is an instance of digital learning project being implemented in schools. The school is currently using digital learning in 60 classrooms and benefiting 3500 students from level 3 to 12. The project was started following the idea of ‘seeing is believing’ to increase the retention power and for easy registering of the topic taught. The objective of this project is to keep pace with the techno savvy change in environment in the school education system and also to provide better learning atmosphere to the students.
To keep pace with the techno savvy change in environment
• It helps students to visualise and understand the topics vividly
• It helps in developing scientific aptitude amongst the students
Target group: Schools / Institutes catering to 3-12 segment
Challenges: It was a big challenge to have technical programme for teaching adopted by all the teachers from different backgrounds and age groups. Many teachers are simply not inclined to move away from traditional modes of teaching. There was a huge financial outlay involved and it needed lot of planning for us to execute the project.
Sreshtha to e-Sreshtha
Implementing Agency
DAV Public School
To keep pace with the modern world, the school modified its teaching strategies and the initiative to promote e-learning was taken. Smartboards are installed in all the classrooms, in place of the traditional blackboards and these help by providing extensive knowledge of education through various slides, wherein the content is designed and prepared by the teachers. This transition is not only focussed on education alone, it has also developed connections with the parents.
• To prepare the students for a global market
• Students design certificates, movies in flash, games etc
• Results have improved
• Due to online database, school is efficiently carrying out its functioning with less paper work
Target group: Students, Teachers and Administrative staff
Challenges: The major challenge was result of the fact that quite a few teachers were not tech savvy. They had to be given
training so that they can become capable of preparing their own digital content. During the initial implementation, internet speed turned out to be a challenge, but this has issue has been solved by taking the leased line and broadband connections. There were several financial issues also, and these were managed by using funds from diverse resources.
Propelling Education
Implementing Agency
Lilavatibai Podar Senior Secondary School, ISC
Way back in 2006-07, Lilavatibai Podar Senior Secondary School decided to collaborate with Starboard ICT, UK, and today the technology has become a tool for learning and teaching. The classrooms are fitted with ICT touch screens and whiteboards, projectors and there is Internet connectivity. Lilavatibai Podar Senior Secondary School is Wi-Fi enabled and the new classrooms follow a networked culture.
To expand educational opportunities by making education available anywhere, anytime and to everyone
• With WiFi the schools have the computer based testing (CBT) and on demand test (OTE)
• Easy to use tools have empowered the staff
Target Group: All our stakeholders from Std. 1 to Std. 12
Challenges: The challenge in 2006 was related to the acceptance of the new technology by the community of teachers. Regular weekend training programmes were held to ensure that all teachers became comfortable with the technology because a computer HUB was developed to create the right environment for teachers. A computer lab section was devloped for all students to come and enhance their computing skills.
Child Centric Education
Implementing Agency
The Ab’s Rowland School
Today’s child centred education system is very demanding, competitive and challenging. Maintaining an effective monitoring system is very important to provide quality education. This monitering system for quality control in education is highly effective. The reporting can be easily and effectively conducted by the sincere co-operation of the Staff, and by the minimum usage of time and resources. CCE training helps in better evaluation of a student. There is stress upon the aspects like linguistic, logistic and naturalist.
Presence is more important than being present. First be a learner, then a teacher
• Better result
• High performance
• Change in learning attitude
• Accepting holistic education
Target Group: Students
Challenges: The challenges we faced were basically linked to the non-cooperation of the staff. It was resolved by taking them into the school. Some parents also were not cooperative, so we had to conduct home visits for counselling sessions. The senior students also had to be counselled to make them more cooperative towards the entire exercise.