Only 27 per cent of engineering students have required skills in the eligibility test for government services in Tamil Nadu and other states, according to Chandrayan Project director Mylsamy Annadurai.
“This should be taken as a wake up call to improve the standard and quality of education. Distance education also should become a platform for innovation,” he said, addressing the Madurai Kamaraj University convocation here yesterday.
Edcuation Minister P Palaniappan said efforts are on to increase the gross enrolment ratio from 18 to 25 per cent by 2025. Government was taking efforts to improve higher education, he said, adding Rs 100 crore has been allocated for infrastructure development in government colleges.
Government was also supporting initiatives to support automomy in educational institutions and has allocated Rs 16.5core to 10 universities to set up curriculum development centre and smart classrooms. This year 35 institutions, including arts colleges, polytechnic and engineering colleges had been started.
A total of 138 students were awarded P.hd and 72 given prizes and medals for their academic achievements by Tamil Nadu Governor K Rosaiah.
Source: PTI