CBSE recently announced its first National School Sanitation Awards 2012. Of the 179 award winning schools, 39 are in the National Capital Region (NCR).
According to CBSE sources, the top two schools with the cleanest campuses are Salwan Public School of Gurgaon and Kalka Public School in Delhi, each scoring 100%. In all, 887 schools participated in the contest for CBSE’s first sanitation awards and the winners will get certificates and a cash award on Wednesday from the HRD minister.
The contest was announced in 2012 and was jointly conducted by CBSE, NIESBUD (National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development) and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit under the National School Sanitation Initiative of the human resource development ministry.
Schools were categorized into five groups — green, blue, yellow, black and red — in descending order of cleanliness. The cleanest schools are the green ones, followed by blue and yellow. Of the six green certificates, three went to the schools from Delhi NCR. Schools placed in the black and red categories need to improve performance. The other schools will be awarded a sanitation certificate and cash.
Amity International, Saket, got a green certificate. “This contest has gone a long way in helping schools provide its students a more sanitary environment. Now that it has been introduced in the form of a competition, even the students have got themselves involved in the drive,” principal Rekha Ranade said.
Schools were first required to register online and rated based on data uploaded by them. “Our team visited the schools to verify the data and the jury decided the final list,” said Dr Ramesh Nair, GIZ-CBSE school sanitation consultant.