Maharashtra’s CM Prithviraj Chavan inaugurated the NMIMS off-campus centre ‘Mukesh Patel Technology Park‘ at Shirpur on Saturday. The technology park which is set up in 50-acres of land will be a residential campus that will includes School of Technology Management and Engineering and School of Pharmacy and Technology Management and it will also oversee the Centre for Textile Functions and Academy of Aviation located at a distance.
Amrish Patel, the Chancellor of NMIMS deemed-to-be university Vice Chancellor Rajan Saxena were also present at the inauguration. Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal (SVKM) which runs NMIMS bought the land at Shirpur. The institute has also got the approval from the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
Saxena said, “We started this campus in 2007, which is today, a credible educational set upspread over 50 acres with facilities to enhance community life on campus. We have 1,500 students in the courses of engineering and pharmacy and 100-full time highly qualified faculty members and visiting faculty members from Mumbai and Indore.”