This is the fifth major redesign since Eldis was launched as one of the very first development focussed web resources back in 1995
Brighton (UK): Leading global online information service provider—Eldis—has re-launched its International Development research portal www.eldis.org after a thorough overhaul of the website.
The portal provides free access to the latest global research on international development issues with its large repository of over 30,000 summaries and links to free full-text research and policy documents.
The new site brings a fresh, modern and up-to-date look to one of the oldest and best known global information portals and marks a significant change in direction for the service.
Some of the new features include:
Key development themes: A refreshed list of the key topics covered by Eldis focusses on nine newly updated Eldis Resource Guides covering Agriculture; climate change; conflict and security; gender; governance, health and ICTs [http://www.eldis.org/go/topics ]
Open data: Eldis have released all their data under a creative commons license and made it accessible via an Open API for others to re-use. In addition they have developed a number of plug-ins and modules for website content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal to make it easier for website managers and bloggers to integrate Eldis content into their sites [http://www.eldis.org/go/get-the-data].
Sharing the best in development research and practice: It’s now much easier to share Eldis content with colleagues via email and social media channels including Twitter, Facebook, Delicious and more! [http://www.eldis.org/go/subscribe]
Improved jobs service: An improved jobs service now aggregates jobs from a number of leading development jobs sites in one place saving users time and making it easier to find that perfect new position [ http://www.eldis.org/go/jobs ]
Commenting on the new site Eldis Service Manager Alan Stanley said: “This is the fifth major redesign since Eldis was launched as one of the very first development focussed web resources back in 1995. We’ve made significant improvements to the usability of the site but the changes aren’t just cosmetic – we have also been working hard behind the scenes to refine and improve the quality of much-valued Eldis services. We are currently working with IID in Bangladesh, the Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies (CSDMS) in India and the National Library Service in Malawi, among others.”
Eldis is an online information service providing free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. Eldis includes over 30,000 summaries and links to free full-text research and policy documents from over 8,000 publishers. To help you get the information you need; we organise these documents into collections according to key development themes and the country or region they relate to. You can browse these on the website or find out about our subscribe options to get updates in a format that suits you. We can also help you find a job!
Eldis is hosted by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) based in the UK but our service is delivered by a growing global network of organisations including IID in Bangladesh, CSDMS in India, Soul Beat Africa, the National Library Service in Malawi and Noragric in Norway. We also have partnerships with a number of large research producers. These partners help to ensure that Eldis can present a truly global picture of development research. We make a special effort to cover high quality research from smaller research producers, especially those from developing countries, alongside that of the larger, northern based, research organisations. Eldis is currently funded by UK Aid and Irish Aid.
Our website is predominantly used by development practitioners, decision makers and researchers. Over half a million users visit the site every year and more than 50% of our regular visitors are based in developing countries. But Eldis is not just a website. All of our content is Open Licensed so that it can be re-used by anyone that needs it. Website managers, applications developers and Open Data enthusiasts can all re-use Eldis content to enhance their own services or develop new tools.