NEW DELHI: HRD Minister MM Pallam Raju stressed on the need to focus on expansion, equity and excellence in education in the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE).
Pallam Raju laid special emphasis on the need of combined effort from central and state governments, academics and autonomous institutes to come together and work towards the betterment of the country’s education.
Raju was addressing the state education ministers, university vice-chancellors, heads of different education boards and academicians at the 61st Meeting of the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), highest decision making’ body in the field of education.
The meeting reviewed the implementation of the Right to Education and ICT in higher education. Discussion was held on the education commission proposed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during his speech on Independence Day in 2011.
Other discussions were held around the topics of Best practices in implementation of school sanitation and hygiene education; Elimination of gender and social gaps in school enrolment and retention, Review of implementation of RTE, etc.