Shiv Nadar University (SNU) has announced the launch of the School of Management and Entrepreneurship (SME). Prof. Shekhar Chaudhuri, former Director, IIM Calcutta, has been appointed as the Director of the School of Management and Entrepreneurship.
The SNU School of Management and Entrepreneurship will be offering a two-year MBA programme in the academic session commencing in 2014. The postgraduate management programme is specifically designed to ensure that students become ‘industry ready’ and‘entrepreneurially oriented’. With the curriculum designed in consultation with Prof. Srikant Datar, Professor of Business Administration of the Harvard Business School and a co-author of “Rethinking the MBA”, the programme will help in building abilities for creative thinking and innovation, developing analytical rigour and inculcating appropriate attitude for leading organizations of the future.
Speaking on the occasion, Shekhar Chaudhuri, Director, School of Management and Entrepreneurship said, “Today’s world of business and enterprise is remarkable for its growing levels of uncertainty and unpredictability. The assumptions that underpin traditional management education are undergoing a paradigm shift. Gone are the days when corporate organizations were willing to wait for a couple of years for their new hires to start contributing significantly. Instead the new managerial recruits are expected to start performing immediately. Future leaders and icons of the corporate world will be those who would be hands-on in a dramatically dynamic business ecosystem. Management students today need significant exposure to real life business conditions that mandates an increasing focus on experiential learning. We intend to be a management school that develops professionals and leaders who understand this changing milieu and thrive in it.”
To drive emphasis on practical orientation in the curriculum and make it industry focused, the SME will invite practicing managers to teach 20% of functional courses. Additionally 15% of the academic term will be devoted to experiential learning including visits to companies; urban and rural markets; government departments, to municipal corporations, chambers of commerce and intensive skill development workshop.
In line with its focus on nurturing and developing an entrepreneurial mindset among future managers and leaders of Corporate India, the SME MBA program will have a compulsory course on “Starting and Managing a New Venture” and will also offer elective courses on different aspects of entrepreneurial organizations. The School will also provide interested and capable students opportunities to engage with entrepreneurs, venture capital firms, financial institutions so that they acquire a good understanding and appreciation of various facets of entrepreneurship. On a selective basis the school also intends to provide incubation facilities to MBA students to incubate their entrepreneurial ideas.