Founder and Master Coach, Mansie Dewan Consulting
Mansie Dewan, Founder and Master Coach, Mansie Dewan Consulting, talks about issues of adapting to the new environs while staying abroad for studies
What are the challenges and opportunities for a student in studying abroad?
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of challenges is home sickness. A young student in a new country has no familiarity with the environment. Other small adaptability issues like the educational methodology and language barrier (if any) are just opportunities to enhance one’s personality, profile and career prospects.
Practical learning, life training through self-dependence and networking are the biggest opportunities. One is tested to step out of their comfort zone almost every day in and out of the classroom.
Which are the most favoured nations to study abroad and why?
The US has always been one of the most favoured study destinations. The country has some of the oldest and most reputable institutions with eminent faculty members renowned for their achievements and new age thinking, but the visa hassles and the exchange rates deter many students, especially because budget is major criterion in selecting a study abroad destination. Of course, the meritorious students often get awarded financial aids and scholarships. The competition is intense but if one has their academics, achievements and extra curriculars in place, they stand a good chance.
Europe, Australia and Canada are also popular, but China and Singapore are emerging as hotspot study destinations for many streams.
Tell us about the students’ most preferred colleges and universities?
Undoubtedly, the Ivy League colleges are the best. US’ top 50 are also popular. There are several great universities in almost every country. Choosing a college depends greatly on locational preference, choice of course and budget. Because of the space crunch, it’s impossible to mention all of them but there are many online resources one can utilise to research on universities and courses. And you also have relevant educational fairs in many cities, from where one can get a lot of information.
What are the eligibility criteria for students, who aspire to study abroad and does it seal a promising career?
The eligibility criteria vary according to country and course. I can speak only for MBA programmes as that is my forte. All good business schools require a GMAT score.
After taking the test, one has many options available across the globe. The advantage of studying at a GMAT accepting school cannot be overemphasised the biggest one is the huge amount of self development involved. One needs a work experience to make it and in the process of garnering this work experience, one must collate industry knowledge and clarity of goals with respect to which function to pursue post MBA.
What is the visa process for students, who opt to study outside India?
The process is very simple. One just needs to follow the guidelines of the embassy of the country they are applying to. Many study abroad companies have their own visa counselors, who guide the students for the process.
What is the expenditure that a student has to bear to study abroad and what is the scope of getting scholarships for the students?
It can range between `10 lakh and `50 lakh annually, depending on the course and country you are in.