Taking serious note of the gaffe with the Common Entrance Test (CET) question paper for postgraduate students in Maharashtra, the medical education department has decided to set up a panel to probe into the matter. A detailed enquiry report, conducted under the additional chief secretary (medical education) will be submitted within a week. Held on January 4 2015, the examination was for admissions to Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Master of Surgery (MS). Around 9,815 students appeared for 792 seats in Maharashtra.
It may be mentioned that on March 24, DNA newspaper had reported ‘Maharashtra: 26 wrong questions on post-graduate Medical entrance exam’. It entailed that as a result of the blunder committed by Directorate of Medical Examination and Research (DMER) in setting wrong questions, the PG medical students will be gifted up to 43 marks flat in the Common Entrance Test (CET) of the state. DMER has to allot 26 marks to all students who appeared for PG-CET as that had wrong questions. In addition to this, the DMER also has to allot 17 marks for students who attended those questions where the optional answer was more than one.
Vinod Tawde, Minister of Medical education said, “We are taking a serious cognizance of DNA report, this is very serious matter hence we appointed a higher level enquiry under the supervision of Medha Gadgil, Additional Chief secretary, Medical Education department. Anybody found guilty in this enquiry we will take a strict action. I ensure student should not suffer because of the DMER mistake.”