Ministry of Human Resource and Development Minister Smriti Zubin Irani has launched 2015 Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR) at an event organized by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development in association with the UNESCO GMR at New Delhi recently.
This is the first international launch of the GMR report outside Paris and New York. Holding the international launch in New Delhi is a tribute to India’s progress in school education. The 2015 Global Monitoring Report is the 12th and concluding in the series and is aptly based on the theme ‘Education for all 2000-2015, achievement and challenges.’
There was a brief video address by UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon who called upon the nations to harness the power of education to build a better future for all. The presentation by Aaron Benevot, Director GMR on the key finding of the report highlighted the unfinished EFA agenda also indicated at the progressive gains made in reducing the out of school children, increased enrolment at the primary level and encouraging trends in participation of the girl child.
Addressing the gathering present, Smriti Irani highlighted the strides made by India in reducing the out of school children and achieving gender parity at elementary level thereby contributing to the global progress in the ETA goals. She also elaborated on the recent measures taken by the government in harnessing technology for extending quality education and using education as a means pillar for nation’s character building.
Nobel laureate 2014 Kailash Satyarthi focused on the issue of the challenge of reaching out to the most marginalized children. The presentation by Chernor Bah, member of the high level Steering Committee for the UN Secretary General’s Global Education First Initiative shed light on the rising aspirations of youth viz-a-viz education and the need of national governments to keep pace with the same.
Prof. R. Govinda, Vice Chancellor, National University for Educational Planning and Administration elaborated on the India’s progress towards the EFA and steps to meet newer challenges in India. Gatchew Enigada in his closing remarks dwelled upon the need to sustain the progress to cover the unfinished EFA agenda during the post 2015 SDG regime and the importance of international collaboration in building capacities for harnessing technology for education.
The launch event also included an exhibition put together by the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) entitled’ Shaping the Future Education Agenda’ with participation from the following :
1. National council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
2. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
3. National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
4. National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD)
5. National Literacy Mission Authority, Directorate of Adult Education
6. Department of State Educational Research and Training (DSERT) Karnataka
The exhibition propagated the idea of convergence of services to achieve education for all.