Slowly, but steadily the dream for ‘Digital India’ of our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi is being fulfilled. In a recent development, the Ministry of HRD has come up with a proposal to impart education through e-Classes and e-books. Working on the lines, about 93,000 e-Books for the college students are already available under National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) Programme.
Laying more stress on digital education, online courses’ called ‘MOOCs’ for students from class 9 to post graduation, in any discipline, will be made available through e-Classes under a programme called Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM), which is likely to begin around the middle of this year.
Moreover, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enabled teaching and learning is supported in government and government aided Secondary and Higher Secondary schools.
Adding more to it, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has also decided to go digital by launching e-books and e-classes. It has also started a website called ‘e-Pathshala’ to disseminate all the NCERT textbooks, audio, video, images, interactive objects etc. The digital contents including e-books from Class I-XII are available on e-Pathshala, in English, Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit. The stakeholders (students, teachers, educators and parents) can search, access, download and read and use these e-contents through multiple technology platforms i.e. mobile phones, and tablets and on web through laptops and desktops.