To recruit varsity teachers, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has approved over 35,000 journals and research work published in them. The research work will also be considered for the promotion of universities’ faculty members.
Since, last many years, it was the demand among the teaching community to notify a list of journals in the higher education segment to set a benchmark for research and allied activities. The UGC’s latest list of the approved journals and the research work published only in them would be considered for the purpose of Career Advancement Scheme (CAS), reported livemint.
“The list of journals is available as a web-based database with search and browse interface on the UGC website. Universities can recommend inclusion of additional peer-reviewed journals that are not listed in the existing list, through a university-level academic journal expert committee,” UGC Secretary, Jaspal Sandhu, said in a letter addressed to vice-chancellors of all universities.
The Commission has also asked varsities to send their recommendations before May 15 of this year. Listed journals are indexed in Web of Science, Scopus and Indian Citation Index. The list also includes the journals covered in a selected indexing and abstracting services. There are three categories in the approved list — Science, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities.