After complaints filed by students about evaluation errors in their class XII results, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has set up two committees to figure out the loopholes in the process.
“The board has taken a prompt decision to set up two committees comprising senior officers to look into the problems related to the evaluation processes being followed,” a senior CBSE official said.
The first committee will cross examine the evaluation process and post examination processes to identify and analyse discrepancies. The committee will also suggest corrective measures to strengthen the process. The second committee formed by the CBSE will “study, analyse and suggest systemic improvements in the evaluation process to make the system robust”.
“The two committees will submit their report within two and three months respectively. On basis of the findings and suggestions of the committees, major changes may be introduced in the evaluation process,” the official added.
Considering the complaints by students who have suffered due to “errors” in evaluation process, the CBSE admitted, “in spite of best efforts made by the experienced subject teachers, there may be possibility of human error in transferring marks to the title page of the answer scripts, summation of marks and manual posting of marks in the computer system”.