To ensure finding results and other exam-related information easier and reliable on its search engine, Google has partnered with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
The first result which was made public after this partnership was JEE Main exam. Now the students will be able to find their scores safely and flawlessly. This feature can be used on smartphones as well as on desktop using Google search.
The CBSE and Google have worked in coordination with each other to protect the data to be used for the exclusive cause of showing the results of various examinations on its Search Page.
“We are collaborating with Google for smooth dissemination of results through an easy and secure platform,” the CBSE said in an official statement.
The feature will be live only for a short duration.
The Google has also worked closely with the CBSE to ensure that the data is handled securely and used solely for the purpose of showing the results on its Search page.
With over 260 million students enrolled in more than 1.5 million schools across India, said Shilpa Agrawal, Product Manager, Google Search, “we believe having reliable, seamless, and safe access to education-related information is crucial”.