“Technology based education is becoming more and more prevalent. So how do we adopt that, especially, from the quality assurance perspective? How do you teach the students of tomorrow with the teachers of yesterday? How do we equip the teachers to move to the future? So these are the challenges that we all face,” said Chocko Valliappa, Founder & CEO, Hiremee, while speaking at the 11 th Higher Education & Human Resource Conclave Pune 2019.
Valliappa was speaking during the conclave in a panel discussion on – Changing Dynamics of Higher Education in a Globalised Context: Envisioning Strategies for Future.
Talking about the need of changing education system with change in nature of jobs, Valliapa said, “The world is heading towards Industry 4.0 and the amount of metamorphosis the world is going to see is enormous. One million jobs are going to be displaced; one million people are going to be displaced. New jobs are going to come. It is considered the around 600 different types of jobs will be introduced. So, how our education system will be in sync with that changed world? No one knows the kind of jobs likely to be available in the future”.
Elaborating his opinion, Valliappa said, “Today, we are talking about Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) but how these technologies are going to change the manufacturing scenario. If manufacturing industry changes, what manufacturing engineers will be doing? They may need to be into robotics. Similarly, how electrical engineers will work in smart grid environment?”
Referring the Bill Gates, Principal Founder, Microsoft, who talked about nuclear gas cylinder in one’s backyard that will power the complete household energy needs for next 20 years, Valliappa raised various issues relevant for energy usage and management. He said, “How energy resources and energy management are going to change? We are now talking about electrical cars, so, how is that going to make things different? We are talking about smart mobility, so how’s that going to happen.”
He also talked about future needs of Civil Engineering jobs, saying, “There are talks about Mumbai and Pune being linked with Hyperloop. If that happens what is going to be the Civil Engineering requirement because it is going to change in that. If talking about textile engineering, how’s smart textile engineering is going to happen and how it is going to support the world for its betterment.”
Citing the example of his own company, Vallipa explained how people rejected HireMee when it was introduced two years ago. HireMee is a mobile-based online assessment platform providing fresher’s jobs linking corporates, students and colleges.
“Recruitment is changing. So when we came with Hiremee model two years ago, we said that every student must be accessed through mobile phones sitting in the comfort of th eir home. People said unless companies come to campus it will not succeed.
“Today large IT companies have allowed the applications anywhere like TCS, Cognizant. If you pass the Cognizant exam you will get employment. That’s how it is changing,” he stated.
Talking about hiring packages in the industry, Valliapa said, “Today students who have no soft skills means only education and no employability, the package is one lakh, with employability it comes to 3 lakhs and with technical skills it comes to 4 lakhs. If they know programming it comes to 6 lakhs but if they know algorithm it comes to 14 lakhs.
He concluded saying that there is an urgent need to bridge the gap between education and employability and that’s what industry is asking the educational institutes to do. Further, he highlighted how educational needs a lot more liberalisation in the country and with International Universities coming to India the competition will increase.