Dr.B.Sendilkumar: Educational institutions must be future-ready


“I will prepare and some day my chance will come.”― Abraham Lincoln

COVID -19 has indeed put forth a major challenge to all sectors and more so with the education sector.It is going to cause lot of stress and severe impact on schooling and higher education worldwide. However some of the institutions like ours are future ready and have efficient systems in place to handle this scenario .Some of the steps taken by us to continue with the teaching and learning and which is all the more innovative include

● Online sharing of notes-through video lectures via Google Classroom and other portals.
This has been followed by the institution faculty for a long time considering the benefit of the students,the lecture notes are made available to them well in advance,so they come prepared for the class and spend more time on discussions,now its just that the discussion also happens via video sessions and whats app interactions..

● Online discussions-via Hangout and other platforms
For bigger group discussions we try to go with Skype or hangout portals

● Online Assignments and Quiz – via Google Classroom

● Case presentations and Discussions-via Whats App
Students are shared the cases with History,Evaluation, reports and findings and made to diagnose different disease conditions following step by step discussions.This has been the most preferred by students since it is application oriented.

● Online Projects and Surveys via Google forms
Simple surveys via Google forms is an easy and efficient way to keep our students engaged and also learn.They take the survey,do the data analysis and do the report writing in a stipulated time.

● Encouraging completion of Online certificate courses
Availability of Online courses through various national and international resources like SWAYAM,Course era Lynda,Udemy has always been a boon to the students to develop and widen their knowledge.

● Encouraging students to prepare e content
Not only are our teaching faculty improving their skills in e content preparing but also guide their students for the same.

● Meaningful meme creations on subject topics
Being Innovative is the only way to keep pace with GEN Z students and Memes on various subject topics is sure to hit the list.

● Designing Working models on various possible topics.
Innovators is the need of the hour and working models will pave way for better logical and analytical thinking among students.

● Journal discussions via Whats App.
Research and improvement go hand in hand is a well known fact,Journal discussions that happen in class now happens via Whats App and it gives more insight into literature review and project writing.

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