As per reports, CBSE is expected to announce 10th and 12th Exam dates very soon. The board along with HRD Ministry is reviewing the situation to decide on the date for holding pending CBSE Board Exam 2020.
The Union Minister didn’t provide any specific date but said that students can expect it in a couple of days. This puts the tentative timeline for declaration of CBSE Board Exam 2020 Exam Dates on 7th and 8th May 2020.
The revised dates for pending papers will also be notified on the official website i.e.
The board is expected to start the evaluation of answer sheets for 10th and 12th Class Exams which have been completed so far. In this direction, CBSE has issued important guidelines to the teachers and evaluators who are involved in the checking of CBSE Board Exam 2020 answer sheets recently.
Although the board has officially not released any date for start of the evaluation process, sources close to the board suggest that the preparations would be complete by 15th May.
Once it starts, experts are estimating that the board will take around 3 weeks’ time to complete the checking of answer sheets.
While the evaluation work for the papers which are already completed would get over by May-end, CBSE is yet to conduct CBSE 12th Exam 2020 for 28 key papers for all-India students along with the 10th Class exam for students from north-east Delhi.