The Karnataka government decided to stop online live classes for students from LKG till class 5. The decision was declared by state Education Minister S Suresh Kumar. The Minister also said that for classes 6 to 10, a committee has been formed to submit recommendations on pros and cons of online education.
The govt has asked the panel to submit a report within 10 days.
He also said that strict action will be taken if schools collect more fees in the name of online education.
He said, several complaints have been received regarding online classes, and he held discussions with experts, a body of private educational institutions and officials in this regard. Everyone was of the opinion online classes cannot be an alternative to physical classes, he added.
There has been pressure on the government to act, as parents have been complaining about online classes conducted by private schools even for kindergarten kids.
Further stating that the government had already issued a circular asking educational institutions not to hike fees on humanitarian grounds considering financial constraints of several people due to the COVID-19 pandemic and induced lockdown, Kumar said, if schools decide to reduce the fees amount, it will be a “very welcome move.”