In the wake of Corona pandemic, Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar virtually launched an online platform for admission in Undergraduate Courses in government aided and self finance colleges. With the new platform, now students will be able to complete their entire admission process while sitting at home.
The Haryana CM also launched first of its kind educational Whatsapp chatbot ‘Apka Mitra’ to resolve any admission related queries of the students. Students are required to send a message on whatsapp chatbot number 7419444449 to get any information regarding admissions, scholarship.
A new web portal of Higher Education Department, website of 158 government colleges and online international journals namely Journal of Humanities and Social Science prepared by the department to promote research in the state was also launched by the CM during the event.
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While, giving a relief to a large number of students taking admission in various graduate courses amid COVID-19 Pandemic, the registration and prospectus fee of all undergraduate Courses has also been waived off. A grievance redressal helpdesk number 18001373735 has been started to help the students to fill their admission forms. While persons with disabilities can get assistance for filling the admission forms by giving a missed call on mobile number 7419444449.
“Development of any country or state depends upon how educated its citizens are. Education plays a great role in developing country in every field, therefore in Haryana we have to make sure that youth of the state is well educated and cultured so that they can help in taking the Country and State on the path of development,” Manohar Lal said.
Education Minister, Kanwar Pal said that the online system will strengthen the admission process as well as make it transparent. He also lauded the officers and employees of Higher Education department who have given their valuable contributions in developing this online platform and making it a huge success.
During this virtual launch, Haryana Education Minister, Kanwar Pal and senior officers of Higher Education Department including Principal Secretary, Higher Education Department, Ankur Gupta and Director General, Higher Education Department, Ajit Balaji Joshi were also present.