In a major move, the Lok Sabha passed a bill which seeks to upgrade the Gujarat-based Raksha Shakti University as an institution of national importance. The bill will also change its name.
According to the proposal, the Raksha Shakti University will be called as Rashtriya Raksha University. The university will be a multi-disciplinary institution to create new knowledge through research and collaboration with different stakeholders.
Also read: Lok Sabha gives nod to Central Educational Institutions Bill
While the Raksha Shakti University is a state university, the Rashtriya Raksha University will be a central institute.
It will also help to fulfil the need for a pool of trained professionals with specialised knowledge and new skill sets in various wings of policing, criminal justice system and correctional administration.
The university will grant degrees and other academic distinctions and will be open to all persons irrespective of gender, race, caste, creed, disability, domicile, ethnicity, social or economic background.
In a brief debate before its passage by a voice vote, Abdul Khaliq of the Congress wondered about the need to upgrade the university.