In a major development, Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal said from next year, the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main will be conducted in more regional languages. The decision was taken by the Joint Admission Board (JAB) in line with the vision of New Education Policy.
The Union minister took to social media to announce the development and said Prime Minister Narendra Modi was behind the decision as he earlier pointed out that top-scoring countries in PISA examination use the mother tongue as a medium of instruction.
Also read: Pokhriyal lauds IIT Kharagpur for ‘COVIRAP’
Further, the minister said, “The examination will also be conducted in regional languages where entry to State Engineering Colleges is decided based on an examination (conducted in regional language). State language of States who admit students based on the JEE Main will also be included under this.”
JEE Main is held twice a year by the National Testing Agency in three languages — English, Hindi and Gujarati.
In line with the vision of #NEP2020, the Joint Admission Board (JAB) of #JEE (Main) has decided to conduct the JEE (Main) examination in more regional languages of India. @DG_NTA
— Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank (@DrRPNishank) October 22, 2020
The examination will also be conducted in regional languages where entry to State Engineering Colleges is decided based on an examination (conducted in regional language). State language of States who admit students based on the #JEE(Main) will also be included under this.
— Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank (@DrRPNishank) October 22, 2020
This decision has far-reaching implications as Hon’ble PM Shri @narendramodi ji has pointed out that top-scoring countries in PISA examination use mother tongue as a medium of instruction. The decision of JAB will help students comprehend questions better & score higher. @DG_NTA
— Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank (@DrRPNishank) October 22, 2020