The Telangana government announced the formation of the Telangana Education Commission (TEC) on September 4, 2024. Aiming to improve the quality of education across all levels—from pre-primary to university and technical education—the TEC will function as a policy advisory body committed to driving transformative reforms in the state’s education system.
The Telangana Education Commission’s establishment comes in response to pressing challenges such as underwhelming student performance, as evidenced by the National Achievement Survey 2021, and a decline in research output at the university level. Moreover, the growing disconnect between current academic curricula and market-relevant skills further underscores the need for comprehensive reforms. Principal Secretary (Education) Burra Venkatesham, in his order, highlighted these objectives as the core focus of the TEC.
Comprised of a five-member panel, the TEC will include a chairperson, three educational experts, and a member secretary, who will oversee its operations. The non-official members of the commission will serve a two-year term.
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Tasked with the responsibility of charting out actionable recommendations, the TEC will collaborate extensively with stakeholders from various educational sectors and consult experts to draft evidence-based strategies. Its primary goals include ensuring access to early childhood education, strengthening foundational skills across all academic levels, and embedding employability skills within higher education programs. The TEC also seeks to promote values-driven education to cultivate socially responsible and globally aware citizens.
Funding for the commission will come from a combination of state government resources and private-sector partnerships. A separate order will soon outline the terms of service for the commission members, paving the way for structured, focused efforts toward reforming Telangana’s education system.