Government plans to set up 500 Rural Self-Employment Training Institutes in each district of the country under the proposed 'National Rural Livelihood Mission'. The Mission, being designed to replace the Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY), aims at reducing poverty in rural areas through promotion of diversified and gainful self-employment and wage employment opportunities as the SGSY has failed to yield the desired results. Setting up of RSETIs across the country on lines of RUDSETI is expected to be a success in bringing more BPL households in the network of swarojgari (self- employed) groups by providing training to the beneficiaries under the proposed NRLM, told an official.
NRLM also proposes to use the existing infrastructure facilities at district and block levels such as Polytechnics, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Jan Shikshan Sansthans, Khadi and Village Industries Boards and State Institutes of Rural Development for capacity building and orientation programmes, told an official.