Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit recently talked about the role of moral education in schools, and noted that society needs “honest and upright” citizens to take the country to greater heights, in an address, following the Indira Awards 2010 on the birth anniversary of late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to best schools, teachers and students, including special children. Dikshit lauded the role of the teachers in making the government-run schools in the city better than the private ones through their 'hard work and commitment'.
With focus on achieving the goal of universalization of education in Delhi, she mentioned that the government schools are being refurbished under 'Roopantar' scheme and also efforts are on to provide infrastructure to these schools. She mentioned that aspects such as moral education and personality development should be given top priority by the teachers.The chief minister also presented the 'Best School Chief Minister's Trophy' to SCSDG Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Rohini.