The Millennium Development Goal of Universal Primary Completion by 2015 is by no means the only challenge in front of education systems across the world. It is only the first step toward the definitive goal of lifelong learning for all citizens, which is as relevant for the poorest countries of the developing world as it is for the countries of the developed world. With an endeavor of so much promise and reform, this special issue of digitalLEARNING is being presented at the World Education Summit, which is a confluence of global thought leaders to mull over the issues pertaining to the global education scenario.
All countries, no matter how far they are today from universal primary completion, must simultaneously invest in and promote the balanced development of all levels of their education systems. In a globally integrated and highly competitive world economy, multi stakeholder partnership initiatives can be effective in supporting and even expediting the ongoing education reforms for a more sustainable education system. Irina Bokova, Director General, UNESCO has emphasised that the partnerships of education programme have several assets. It is an effective advocacy channel and provides the tool to strengthen the understanding and coordination between stakeholders.
With a vibrant global education community working towards realising education opportunities for all, there is a need to raise awareness and support the implementation of relevant, sustainable and scalable national education sector plans on a global level through the increased commitment of the private and public sectors.
India is undergoing a wonderful transition period in education with guided by a visionary leadership. With the passage of the Foreign Education Provider Bill, establishment of the campuses of Indian institutions outside the country, coming over of global schools with foreign alliances, Indian education has certainly become globalised both inwards and outwards. The world in which we live today, demands global education for our students. Our geopolitical environment and economic fates are getting increasingly inter-connected. This situation clearly indicates that one needs to develop a new set of competitive skills to become a global workforce. The influence and prominence of the Indian students has already long been established on the global forefront.
It is about time for us to share our lessons, practices and ideas with each other globally and to convert these efforts into a sustainable way to not only promote global harmony but also to bring the global community on a united platform. It is indeed a historical and proud moment for the digitalLEARNING magazine, having covered a journey of more than six years, as it sets to present the World Education Summit 2011 in India along with IGNOU. We welcome all of you to join, share and contribute to the larger spectrum of education that has already gained momentum.