Over the past few years, technology has been travelling with the speed of sound. We can see people adopting technological solutions to further streamline their teaching-learning experiences. Parallel to this has been the rapidly expanding number of education e-solution providers in the country. From campus management solutions, to K12 education technology providers, to cutting edge education products – there seems to be no dearth of solution providers in the market.
The Indian Government has displayed tremendous amount of support for enabling ICT in schools and higher education institutions. The National Mission on Education through ICTs (NMEICT) and the National Knowledge Network will encourage a large number of private players to come up with new solutions and to productively utilize their existing technology services for educational concerns.
This huge expansion of IT Enabled education in India also necessitates a guide, which can help academicians to be informed and also choose from the various solutions that are available. The digitalLEARNING Resource Guide, since the last two years, has been playing an instrumental role in helping academicians and education stakeholders in choosing e- services and infrastructure to suit their requirements.
Taking forward our previous year’s success and tremendous demand in the market, we bring to you a new and improved digitalLEARNING Resource Guide 2011 for better insights and to enable the consumers make an informed decision. Campus and school technologies are becoming more and more viable and consumer friendly. Our objective with this Resource Guide has been to bring the consumers a clear understanding on the education technology solutions that are available today. The issue not only highlights existing technologies but also informs them about the latest development and technologies that are now being offered.
The digitalLEARNING Resource Guide 2011 will prove to be very valuable for all looking for answers to their education