Principal: Fr. Celestine Sera, SJ
Born in 1947 in a family of 12 children, Fr. Sera went on to do his BA, B.Ed, B.Ph , B.Th and M.Ed. Ordained as a priest in 1992 , he became the Principal of St. Aloysious in Mangalore where he rendered his services for 10 years. He then moved on to St. Josephs High School, Hassan, where he served as Principal for a period of 8 years. Post this he worked as the administrator of the St. Aloysious PU College for 3 years in Harihar. Currently he is the Principal of St. Josephs Boys High school in Bangalore. The contemporary scenario is such that the digitisation of classrooms is a necessity. Our students consistently face the pressure of performing well and they need the aid of digital tools. In the system of modern education, digital tools have an important role to play. Such tools enable the teachers to improve classroom delivery It has generally been seen that the learning in digitised classrooms is more collaborative and interesting. A digital curriculum is more equipped to engage the attention of the students. The students are able to gain a better understanding of the concepts and they retain it for longer periods of time.
Deployment of digital technologies
In St Josephs Boys School we have partnered with Pearson Education Services for implementation of the Edurite DigiClass solution in more than 50 classrooms. The implementation of DigiClass in our classrooms has resulted in positive educational outputs. Right now the school is not looking for new systems of digitisation, as we are focussed on gaining maximum benefits for our students through an efficient use of our existing digital resources. The educational material used for classroom delivery is lodged in a server from where teachers can access the repository of multimedia content provided by Edurite. The ratio of students and the number of computers in the school stands at 10:1, which is high enough to ensure that our students have access to ample computer time.
Vision For Future
St Josephs Boys School aspires to mould the minds of young men and women so that they can grow up into productive citizens who will be willing to serve the interests of the nation. We wish to fill our young students with the values of competence, commitment, conscience and compassion.