The State of Jammu and Kashmir will now have a Village Education Committee to achieve the objective of Universalisation of elementary education. The committee for schools will be formed under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the aim of the formation of the committee is to encourage government-community partnership.
The constitution of VECs will give community ownership to educational institutions as it functions as a part of the social system. The committee will play a significant role in micro-planning, preparing school development plan including requirement of buildings, toilet and drinking water facilities.
The step will bring a change in attitudes of people towards education and will also help in motivating the parents or guardians to send their children to schools, especially girls and children from disadvantaged groups.
The VECs will also look forward the work of school construction and maintenance, school mapping and micro-planning exercise, preparation of village education plan and monitoring the school management as well as teacher performance. The committee will also work towards the assurance of cent per cent completion of elementary education of all children, monitor academic performance of children, attendance and quality of education, alternative and innovative education centers as per guidelines and directions of District Education Committee.