Be it digitalized classrooms, flipped teaching, digital library or other facilities, the CHIREC International School offers state of the art education system for students, says Ratna D. Reddy, Founder Director, CHIREC International School, in an interview with Elets News Network (ENN)
What have been the key facets of evolution of the learning eco-system at your institution? What all systems & processes have you deployed to accommodate the same?
Digitalized Classroom: Our state-ofthe- art, technology-enabled classrooms offer plenty of natural ventilation, thereby providing the right atmosphere to make teaching and learning an enjoyable experience.
The Kondapur campus, which is the main campus is spread across 5.5 acres land and has spacious fully wired classrooms. It is provided with multimedia projection equipment. They are all digitalized classrooms.
Tablets are used by students of classes 6 to 10. Teachers are able to add on videos and power point presentations to supplement the educational needs of the students.
Flipped Teaching: Tablets are also a good tool to provide online lectures, carry out research at home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the help of a mentor. The fl ipped classroom intentionally shifts the instruction to learner centered model and the class time is then used for a host of active learning activities in the form of integrated projects, lab activities, case studies, debates, presentations, discussions, peer reviewing etc. Teachers are able to deliver highly differentiated instruction through fl ipped teaching.
Setting up of a Digital library, Class websites and Today@CHIREC: Teachers have developed resources which they use in class, all are pooled into a CHIREC Digital Library, available to all teachers.
What has been the definitive purview about the incorporation of technology in the teaching learning processes at your school?
The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been quite significant. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies (mobiles, tablets, iPads, Smart Boards, digital cameras, computers), while students are using advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in the classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school.
Technology in the classroom makes learning more fun. Subjects that students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a video, or when using a tablet.
Technology prepares students for the future: Ed-tech in the classroom prepares students for their future and sets them up for this increasing digital economy.
Technology helps students learn at their own pace: Students can learn according to their abilities and needs. It gives him/her the time to work individually with students who may be struggling.
How do you maintain fine balance between the diversified aspirations of parents and their wards amidst constraints of educational environment?
If parents are truly their children’s first and most important teachers, education entrepreneurs and policymakers need to start by understanding parents’ aspirations for their children.
Independent schools are expected to have a transparent method of working and must be communicable at all times. CHIREC has an open communication system with parents through Emails, SMS, correspondence through the Diary, fortnightly Newsletters. CHIREC mobile App also helps in dispensing information quickly and to the parent directly.
We maintain records that document dates, times, notes and decisions about students if problems arise. A track of communication which the school had with parents throughout the school year is maintained.
The school invites parents for several events like Reading sessions, volunteering, Assembly presentations, Bond for Better, Career Days, Internships etc.