Multi-lingual test preparation platform OnlineTyari has got a Rs 15-crore ($2.1 million) funding from the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, which has committed more than $1.23 billion to improve lives of children living in urban poverty around the world.
The mobile app had recently got a funding of Rs 20 crore that will be used towards expanding its vernacular offering. It will help the mobile app company in widening the exam coverage and in strengthening its technology and analytics engine.
Vipin Agarwal and Bhola Ram Meena set up OnlineTyari in 2014. It allows highly customised, curated and vernacular test preparation content delivered through very low internet bandwidths.
“India is witnessing a paradigm shift toward online educational services. We are proud to be at the center of this and excited to partner with the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation as we move into the next phase of our growth. This partnership will help us introduce new business best practices and to achieve the scale needed to reach our goal: improving education and skill development for more than 100 million people every year across India,” Agarwal said.
Prachi Windlass, Education Director, India, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, said, “OnlineTyari has already disrupted the market for test prep in India by creating a personalized, data backed solution for a large but often ignored market segment. The platform approach that curates content from multiple partners enables them to provide high quality exam content with a very short time to market. This is very important for this market segment as students may appear for multiple exams and need a one stop solution. OnlineTyari will play a huge role in helping students from smaller towns and low income families access test prep services.”
The company said that the app had recorded close to 3.5 million downloads and has over 4,00,000 daily active users.