Keeping the lockdown in mind, Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ said the CBSE will hold exam only for 29 out of 83 main subjects.
The CBSE has postponed the Board exams for class 10th and 12th due to lockdown.
For class 12, it said that exams will not be held for all the remaining papers and will be held only for main subjects. The board had also released the list of all such subjects.
The Central Education Board has been fielding repeated queries from parents and students about the pending board examinations.
The lockdown, though, has not been the only problem CBSE has faced this exam season. Several students in the North-East district of Delhi were unable to attend board examinations scheduled in the first week of March. With lockdown disrupting the exam schedule further, CBSE has more on its plate.
The Education Minister’s interview indicates that students will have to wait till the end of lockdown for a decisive announcement on CBSE board exams and consequent result.
Similar delay has affected entrance examinations like JEE Main, and NEET UG.