Keeping the view of COVID-19 crisis in view, the UPPSC has released a notice to extend the submission of the application form. The notification was released on its official website i.e. uppsc.up.nic.in.
Now applicants can submit the hard copy of UP PCS mains form to the commission’s office up to May 15, 2020.
Prior to this, the last date of submission got also extended twice on March 26 and April 19. The commission has not provided the exam dates yet.
Prior to this the UP PCS Main exam which was scheduled to be held from April 20 and the UPPSC RO, ARO prelims exam 2016 which was scheduled to be conducted on May 3, 2020 are also postponed by the commission.
Prior to this, the commission had released a notification to fill a total of 200 vacancies for UPPSC 2020 recruitment on April 21.