Due to COVID-19, Delhi University (DU) has rescheduled its final semester/annual exams for the second time. Examinations that were slated to start on June 1 will in-stead start on June 7. Given the current circumstance, the final year exams are almost certainly going to be held online.
Dean of Examinations D S Rawat said in a statement that for the benefit of everyone concerned that the final semester/annual tests for May/June 2021, which were sche-duled to begin on June 1, 2021, have been postponed and will now begin on June 7, 2021. As a result, all date sheets for examinations beginning May 15, 2021 are now withdrawn.
Also read: Delhi University holds consultative meeting on HECI
The amended date sheets will be published on the University of Delhi’s website in the near future. A detailed guideline for the May/June 2021 semester examination will be issued in due course.