Prime Minister Narendra Modi opened 16 residential schools in Uttar Pradesh for underprivileged students. The schools were constructed for approximately Rs. 1,115 crore.
These schools, known as Atal Awasiya Vidyalayas, have been established to give orphans from the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the children of labourers and construction workers access to a high-quality education.
The vision of Atal Awasiya Vidyalaya is to foster excellence in every student, shaping them into individuals imbued with a range of qualities that build them to excel in future. The programme is aimed at imparting a basic and quality education to these children. The programme is proposed to be rolled out by the Uttar Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (UPBOCW), Department of Labour.
Prime Minister Modi talked with few students before dedicating these schools to the country. Each of the residential schools will have 1,000 students enrolled. It strives to increase access to high-quality education and support children’s overall development.
Each of the schools is built on an area of land that is between 10 and 15 acres large, and it includes a mini-auditorium, a hostel complex, a meal hall, and staff housing in addition to classrooms, playgrounds, and recreational facilities.