“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world,” Former South African president and late antiapartheid activist Nelson Mandela once said.
With such golden words the late leader underlined the significance of education, while suggesting how such an education can influence one’s purpose and the road to lead a life. For this very reason, there is a need to take school education quite seriously, especially when you are admitting your ward or while they are to be moved to a different a school.
Therefore, school selection is a serious affair and needs to be done with due diligence following a proper research by parents. It’s a common knowledge to admit children into schools; most of the parents go by neighbours or close relatives’ advice.
Though a good piece of advice should be welcomed always, there are certain parameters to assess schools. Is a highly decorated or popular school good enough reason to send one’s children there or should there be some yardsticks to evaluate any school considering future challenges of academics and professional career?
Not just that, the everyday growing global competition does not limit the purpose of education only to get a job but also caters to develop a generation of vibrant minds and global leaders.
With an important place in global education industry, India has more than 1.5 million schools (government, public and private) that educate more than 260 million students (Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation). India is the second largest market for e-learning after the US, which is currently pegged at $2 billion, and is expected to touch $5.7 billion by 2020.
The Government of India is also aiming to raise the current Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) to 30 percent by 2020 (Source: India Brand Equity Foundation). These initiatives are likely to help the education sector of India to boost at a rapid growth rate. All the aforesaid facts inspired us to conduct a comprehensive “Top Schools of India Ranking 2018” for the sixth consecutive year. The school ranking spread across the length and breadth of the country will help education stakeholders to break the barriers of demography as it is not limited to the metros or big cities alone.
In this exercise, we have tried to select and rate the top schools located in metros and cities of five zones – North, Central, South, West, and East of India. The ranking has been conducted on the basis of data collected through primary, secondary and perception based research.
This mammoth exercise was spread over two months. We have also covered the residential, boarding and international schools across the country. The residential and boarding schools are the ones which offer accommodation facility to the students as well and international schools that offer the latest and best global practices to their students. The schools have been ranked nationally on these parameters matter the most to parents while making a selection of the best schools.
Hope this exercise helps our readers, as parents; make a more informed decision while choosing the school for their child. It is hoped that digitalLEARNING’s ranking edition will be beneficial for schools as well to improve themselves as per the factors concerning education sector the most at present.