“A child without education is like a bird without wings,” says a famous Tibetan proverb underlining the significance of education for a young mind. It suggests how education can influence one’s purpose and helps an individual in expanding his/her horizon of life.
Thus, it becomes essential that we make sure to impart quality education to our children from the tender age itself. At present, there is a dire need to take school education seriously, which is the founding stone of a child’s career. To ensure that the child is in safe hands, parents need to be extra careful while admitting their ward or while moving them to a different school. Hence, school selection is a serious matter and needs to be done with due diligence following a proper research by parents.
Most of the parents go by neighbours’ or close relatives’ advice while choosing the school for their ward. Although, a good piece of advice must be always be welcomed, but there are certain parameters that parents must consider while accessing the schools. Getting a child admitted in a school just because it’s highly decorated or popular cannot be considered a wise decision. Instead, there must be a yardstick to evaluate any school considering future challenges of academics and professional career.
Apart from this, the everyday growing global competition does not limit the purpose of education only to get a job but also caters to develop a generation of vibrant minds and global leaders.
Holding a crucial place in global education industry, India has more than 2 million schools (government, public and private) that educate more than 300 million students (Source: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation). India is the second largest market for e-learning after the US, which is currently pegged at $2.5 billion, and is expected to touch $6 billion by 2020.
The Government of India is also aiming to raise the current Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) to 100 percent by 2030. These initiatives are likely to help the education sector of India to boost at a rapid growth rate. The above stated factors inspired Elets and digitalLEARNING Magazine to conduct a comprehensive “Top Schools of India Ranking 2020”. This is the eighth consecutive year for which the ranking will be released. Covering the schools spread across the length and breadth of the country, the Top Schools of India Ranking will help the parents in making an informed choice about the school where they can get their ward enrolled, looking beyond the barriers of demography. Besides, it will also help the schools in understanding their current withstanding and improve where they are lagging behind.
In this exercise, we have tried to select and rate the top schools located in metros and cities of five zones – North, Central, South, West, and East of India. The ranking has been conducted on the basis of data collected through primary, secondary and perception-based research.
This mammoth exercise was spread over two months. We have also covered the residential, boarding and international schools across the country. The residential and boarding schools are the ones which offer accommodation facility to the students as well and international schools that offer the latest and best global practices to their students. The schools have been ranked nationally on these parameters which matter the most to parents while making a selection of the best schools.
We hope this exercise helps our readers, as parents; make a more informed decision while choosing the school for their child. Also, it is expected that digitalLEARNING’s School Ranking edition will be beneficial for schools as well, in terms of improving themselves according to the factors concerning education sector the most at present.
Most of the parents go by neighbours’ or close relatives’ advice while choosing the school for their ward. Although, a good piece of advice must be always be welcomed, but there are certain parameters that parents must consider while accessing the schools. Getting a child admitted in a school just because it’s highly decorated or popular cannot be considered a wise decision. Instead, there must be a yardstick to evaluate any school considering future challenges of academics and professional career.
Apart from this, the everyday growing global competition does not limit the purpose of education only to get a job but also caters to develop a generation of vibrant minds and global leaders.
Given below are the five parameters which we have kept in mind while ranking the finest schools of the country. top schools ranking 2020 Ranking 2020
When we talk about a school, two aspects come to our mind – ‘Goodwill’ it enjoys and the ‘Legacy’ it has built over the years. Only after imparting quality education, maintaining excellent teachers and delivering impressive results continuously for years, a school can build a name for themselves in a region or state.
Besides education, the schools are also looked upon for imparting other essential training and skills as part of an endeavour to develop a generation which can be enabled to survive in the competitive world. Maintaining such standards over a period of time helps a school build upon its goodwill front in terms of the perception of education stakeholders.
As goodwill and legacy automatically reflect the quality of any school, it is among the first and foremost criteria of consideration for parents while selecting a school for kids. digitalLEARNING magazine, under this parameter, considered factors such as – Unbiased Approach, Safe and Secure Environment and Good Alumni Feedback –before ranking a school.
Largely viewed as the demonstrated ability to perform, achieve, or excel in scholastic activities, it has been identified with achieving high grades and better performance. But academic excellence is not just restricted to scoring good grades. It is the maximum development of a person’s intellectual capacities and skills.
While emphasizing the overall development of a student, academic excellence features as a key part of it. The ability to understand, explore and embrace new concepts of knowledge and approaches makes or mar a student’s prospects.
digitalLEARNING Magazine’s Top Schools of India Ranking – 2020 considered “Academic Excellence” as a parameter to identify and acknowledge the best schools that have also adopted the best practices intending to ensure the overall development of students without compromising on a student’s academic brilliance.
Apart from teaching pedagogy employed and the overall brand value of school, the concept of future-ready infrastructure as exhibited by various schools has also emerged as a key factor in shaping a positive image of educational institutions. Keeping this factor into account, we have analysed the utility of future-ready infrastructure and how it’s creating value for educational institutions across the country. Under this, we considered two factors: 1) Robust, Digitally-enabled Infrastructure, 2) Personalised Professional Learning.
digitalLEARNING considered “Future-Ready Infrastructure” as a parameter for Top Schools of India Ranking 2020, as given the increasing usage of IT in academic assessment and curriculum formation, it has become significant and crucial for schools to adopt the digital form of imparting knowledge. We ranked the school in terms of its efforts towards digitisation of its curriculum, instructions and assessment.
digitalLEARNING Magazine’s Top Schools of India Ranking – 2020 considered “Academic Excellence” as a parameter to identify and acknowledge the best schools that have also adopted the best practices intending to ensure the overall development of students without compromising on a student’s academic brilliance.
A good learning experience can make any school a home away from home. The learning experience does not only include the study of books but also participation in sports and other extracurricular activities. Such activities help in students’ holistic development and lead to inculcating traits like team-work, leadership and creative thinking among them. To benefit students and make them future-ready, the education sector is undergoing a paradigm shift from traditional teaching methods to innovative learning processes
While preparing Top Schools of India Ranking – 2020, digitalLEARNING considered “Enrichment of Learning Experience” as a parameter because traditional educational approaches have resulted in a mismatch between what is taught to the students and what the industry needs. Today, many institutions are heading towards innovative learning processes that can nurture students who are — creative, critical thinkers and analytical — to solve problems.
An organisation’s website and its digital presence is a window of its reputation and people associated with it. As per a report released by IMAI (Internet and Mobile Association of India), 65 % of the population prefers online search for educational content.
Institutes with more online or social visibility seem to enjoy a marked advantage in terms of being more accessible and being popular among students. The website also lists schools’ key differentiators and how its key strengths stack up with the rest of the players. All this helps parents to decide about a school. To analyse a school’s online and social presence, we considered factors such as – Utility and User- Friendly Website and Social Connectivity and Community Building. An increasing number of schools today use the power of digital technology and reach out to the target audience. digitalLEARNING magazine has considered “Online & Social Presence” as the fifth but key parameter for its “Top Schools of India Ranking 2020”.
digitalLEARNING magazine is Asia’s premier magazine for the ICT education, published since 2005 in both print and online formats.