It was recently reported that Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE) amended the draft of regulations governing recruitment of international students in Taiwan, in order to boost the number of foreign students in Taiwan. An additional 10 % recruitment openings would be allowed through regulation amendment, which would be applicable for foreign students, expecting to double the number of international students to 60,000 in two years, mentioned the MOE Political Deputy Minister Lin Tsong-Ming.
Applicants are now to file their application with certification verifying their highest education level or equivalent academic attainment issued by the original academic institutions and financial statement issued by overseas financial institute, which declares the applicant can afford to study in Taiwan. The statistics compiled by the MOE indicate presence of 33,948 international students studying in Taiwan in school year 2009. The Taiwan National Normal University has 4,111 foreign students, accounting 12% of overall students and ranks top one among all universities. National Taiwan University grabs the second place by 2,841, accounting 8% of overall students and National Cheng Kung University ranks as the third by 1,850.