Chairman: S M Umak
An enthusiast for using digital technology for teaching students in class fidencerooms, S M Umak is full of con that the learning outcomes in the Indu IT School will keep improving in years to come.He feels that thestudent communityhas been approaching digital education tools with great deal of enthusiasm.
Moving into a digit al world Digital
teaching tools are doubly effective in the hands of experienced teachers. This is because digital tools make it easy for teachers to develop new kinds of content that is tailor-made to serve the needs of their students. The lectures can be saved and updated to take care of new information that the teachers have access to. Digital tools also offer the advantage of involv ing parents in the online learning process. At Indu IT School, we have deployed Everonn iSchool solution for the purpose of bringing many curriculum based programmes to our classrooms. This solution has been warmly received by our teachers and students. The system of education in the school has become more streamlined and efficient. In times to come, we are planning to implement the Maths Lab and English Lab solutions to improve the understanding of these subjects amongst our students. Core values of education The ratio between the number of students and the number of computers in the institute stands at 10:1. Through Everonn we have also gained access to lot of educational material in the cloud space and in the World Wide Web. The school has not lost sight of the core values of education. We work for instilling values of love, empathy, respect and discipline for others in all our students. That is why we conduct many experimental learning programmes that focus on community service ,
Vision Statement
The school aims to be recognised as a leader in the International education space. Through application of digital learning tools and advanced learning concepts, we are dedicated to moulding our students into able citizens of tomorrow.